Maintenance, Servicing & Repairs

3D printing is part art, part science and a properly maintained printer is a must to achieve great results consistently. If you are noticing that your print quality is suffering or you have been having a number of failed prints the chances are that your printer needs some maintenance or a service. Below is our suggested maintenance regime to keep your printer in top form. But if you have not been adhering to some form of maintenance regime chances are that your machine is probably overdue for a service.

We service, maintain and repair machines from all over Australia.


One of the fantastic things about Ultimaker machines is their reliability and ease of use. But like everything, if they are not looked after well then things can start to go astray. Consistent failure free printing may reduce and start to degenerate.

Most of our clients undertake a service yearly, on a drop off and pick up basis, or they freight their machines to us.

Here’s what we generally find and perform.

  • Axis cleaned and  lubricated with light machine oil and magna lube for the Z screws.
  • Silicon nozzle covers replaced.
  • Blockages cleared cores cleaned
  • Heads stripped and rebuilt if needed
  • Fans checked
  • Belt tension check
  • Disassemble and clean extruder
  • Disassemble and clean out Bowden tube.
  • Clean build plate & machine bottom
  • Axis movement checked
  • Limit switches checked
  • Replace lost collet clips
  • Firmware loaded so that it is up to date.
  • XY axis calibrated & active bed levelling and manually levelled also.


    Recommended Spare Parts

    When purchasing your Ultimaker we recommend you invest in a small amount of spare parts to make sure you keep your machine operational at all times and under any circumstances.


    3d printer brisbane, 3d printing brisbane, Ultimaker 3 Brisbane


    Every now and then, despite your best efforts, you push your machine to the edge and go a little over it ! When this happens we are here to help. We have recovered many disasters where our clients thought they had severely damaged their machines.


    Do it Yourself Ultimaker Maintence Kits

    Ultimaker 3

    Ultimaker 2 & 2+

    Ultimaker 2 Upgrade Kit

    Suggested Maintenance Schedule